January 27, 2014

New Blog

Shortly before Christmas, I decided to move my blog over to WordPress.

I will soon update my photography website and hopefully publish the other website for the youth-modeling project within the next few weeks. The current models and I want to try getting some work done for the website so it can grow gradually.

More details will be posted on the new blog over the next few days. If you'd like to follow me over there, the link is http://shoggardphotography.wordpress.com.

September 26, 2013

Finally, A Website!

Here is the new website featuring my photography in general, showing what I feel is the best of my own work. In the galleries, the icons are ordered from newest to oldest by year, except for Portraits in which the order is random.


There is an issue with the contact form that I had tried using earlier, so until then people would have to manually email me at hoggardphotography@gmail.com

I will continue working on the DJ website in a few days. I already have the codes set up, but I need to fix them so they would work together including CSS.

September 15, 2013

Busy Summer

I have been quiet for most of the summer because I was spending time with family and friends. I did try focusing on photography, but because I still hadn't grown accustomed to my new camera I wasn't producing pictures that people would consider so great.

I have decided to give the project's website a new look and a new host. So far the new design is looking neat, and after I finish with it I will look into presenting a product page for that particular website (Des Jeunes). The other website, in which would feature my photography in general, will start construction shortly afterwards.

We might have new models in the youth modeling project soon, but it's all up in the air right now.

Starting around the end of the month, I'd start working on a series in my photography as a campaign against bullying. I have already found several volunteers interested in being part of this series. While it won't pick up right away, it's a good start!

If anyone has any questions, please email me at hoggardphotography@gmail.com . I will post again soon with the new links to the new websites. You will also not find much of any of my work online other than my Facebook page now.

May 21, 2013

New Updates, About New Pictures!

Quite recently, the boys and I were able to finally shoot enough pictures to carry the project along. It was a good day for fishing and we even took a hike along the river. There were many idealistic spots for pictures, and while we wished to have walked the entire trail we had to turn back before it would get too dark. By the end of the day, I had taken enough pictures for at least half a CD. Because of that, we decided to continue shooting the next day, and now there will be enough. Hopefully profits will begin coming in because we can use some financial help to move the project forward and maybe even find new aspiring models to work with the boys and Freckles. A photo-shoot with Freckles is being discussed, but the location and date hasn't been decided yet.

Other than that, I was able to take a few pictures of my cousin, who is also a photographer. She was a bit quirky but a cool person overall. She definitely put me in a good mood because of her personality.

Over the summer, the boys, Freckles, and I hope to grow the project. I also hope to work with more adults and to promote my photography in many places. It's not going to be easy but I have printed flyers that are ready to be posted anywhere, and soon I'll try printing business cards again.

Please wish us the best of luck with everything! If you'd like to donate to the project or my photography in general, just send me an email at hoggardphotography@gmail.com .

Once I have the pictures ready for display, I will post in the blog again and show some shots of the shoots! So keep an eye on the blog.

April 10, 2013

Updates, After A Month

It's been a while since I posted anything. College has once again gotten in my way, but with the finals coming, I'm finding that I'd have more time for other things than I originally thought. Probably a good thing, since it means I could possibly focus on my photography again.

The youth-modeling project, I'm hoping to start pushing forward soon. We were going to have some shoots at a park, but the weather was clear and the sun was so bright, most of the pictures didn't come out so great. We plan to try again, when we can carry around something to diffuse the large amount of light. We also decided to mostly work in shade from now on, provided that I can ensure their eyes are bright (after all, without light the eyes seem dull and lifeless, which isn't always fun to see). For fans of the project, please continue being patient. Not only would the original three models come back, but hopefully Storm might make a temporary return, and there may be a few more youth models joining soon. All in due time.

Not only that, about the project, but the main issue is making sure I have at least 100 pictures of a model for the CD. Still learning how to handle that!

For my photography in general, I started again but with old houses. Still looking for old houses to take pictures of, especially when I could go inside them – they are full of history and mystery, and being able to somehow put that in a picture seems to make it more fun, despite the dangers of loose or rotten boards and many cobwebs being in the way.

If anyone would like to contact me, as usual my e-mail is hoggardphotography@gmail.com .

March 08, 2013

3.8.13 - Updated Website

It took some time but I decided to make some changes to the website: http://desjeunes.zymichost.com.

  1. I added a PayPal Donate button to the pages. It can be found in Contact.
  2. I added a new page to showcase sets. There are shoots that the model have done in the past, and would do in the future, that I wouldn't consider a portfolio shoot. So, these shoots, if there are enough pictures, will be considered “sets”. Most of the time, they will be artistic – basically, like a story.
  3. I added “Coming Soon” below the models' names on the website – I did this because they will have portfolio shoots soon. It's likely happening this month or early April. We are just waiting on mildly warm weather.

That's about it. I haven't been by lately because of college, but I'm doing what I can when I can. Take care, and don't forget to e-mail me if you have any questions!


That being said, hopefully this weekend, I will have another shoot or two done soon, but with adult models. At least it gives me a chance to build a portfolio and to get more exposure on ModelMayhem.

February 23, 2013

On the Bright Side of Complications

Aren't complications fun? I actually have a list of complications that has kept me either from doing photography or at least enjoying the days.

  1. Frigid weather – On the weekend of February the 15th, Ace and Blake, and I, were headed to a park for their first portfolio shoots of 2013, nearly an hour away from where we lived. However, it started to snow and once we got within ten minutes of the park, we had to go ahead and turn back, or risk getting stuck in the middle of nowhere during the night. Even then, with so much snow falling, the portfolio shoots wouldn't be as expected.
  2. College – Every now and then, when I think I'm done with assignments for the day, or even the week, there's always another assignment lurking just underneath that stealthy pile. I'm trying to make it so that the last required class, a class that is only available during the spring semesters, is added to my schedule for next semester so that I can graduate by December.
  3. Car issues – The windshield's busted. The tire's going flat. The rubber bands holding the gear shifting in place is snapping apart from the stressful pressure. Of course, this and the tire, I could fix easily. The windshield, that would be a whole different thing. And more expensive.
  4. Financial issues – Yes, we do have a lot of financial issues. Though I could often afford to travel, it isn't always the case. There's the need for gas, food and drinks, and, other necessities. I'm also trying to build a wardrobe that models can easily choose from.

Despite these complications, and more that aren't exactly listed, I do see the bright side on things.

  1. I have adult models interested in working with me, including those aspiring to be models.
  2. I'm still learning every day about photography and how I can improve. I even find inspiration from certain sources and I'm glad for that.
  3. The youth models and I plan to do the portfolio shoots as soon as possible, and hopefully in warmer weather. After all, from what I saw of the park in my short visit there months ago, I think the children would love it.
  4. I have found some youth models interested in my work. Some, I lost contact with either because of school or the distance between us, but others I'm still talking to and hoping for things to work out between us.
  5. The boys and I are actually thinking about making a movie. I think it would be great, if we could just get it done...
  6. I did find a website where I can easily make money just by doing surveys, taking offers (which I don't like), and completing tasks for a small amount of change. So far, so good, but I do admit things could be better.
  7. I still have support in my photography, so I thank my family and friends for that.

If you'd like to further support my photography, or the project, or both, you can e-mail me at hoggardphotography@gmail.com for more information!